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Health expert raises awareness for kidney testing in honor of National Kidney Month

Release Date: 20 Mar 2023 whas11
College of American Pathologists Logo

CAP President Emily E. Volk, MD, FCAP, appeared on the ABC affiliate WHAS11 in Louisville, Kentucky to discuss the importance of non-race-based eGFR testing. "eGFR is a measure of how well your kidneys are taking out the toxins in your blood and how well your kidneys are working," explains Dr. Volk. "It's a tool doctors use to identify patients who are at risk for more severe kidney disease. For years, we used sex, weight and race to adjust the number for eGFR in addition to measuring the blood levels for a protein called creatinine. Now we understand race is not a biological thing, it's a social construct."

For the full article click here: Health expert raises awareness for kidney testing in honor of National Kidney Month

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